Did You Know - How Can We Increase Our Low Sperm?

The prostate, which is present in the passage of the semen and part of the semen, is made from seminal sources of seminal vesicles and urethral glands. About 60 percent of semen are vascular semen, 30 percent of prostate gland leakage, and only 10 percent of sperm are made in the testicles, which float in semen. Children are born with the help of sperm.
  1. - The testicles hang outside the body of a man because some of the body temperatures are needed to form a sperm. 
  2. - If for some reason the testicles remain inside, then it gets spoiled. There are 2 works of testicles, the formation of sperm and masculine hormone tastrostran. 
  3. - Tastroestrogen Chemical itself determines sex with chromosomes in humans. As a result of this, there are changes in boys, such as increased body size, bearded fingers, change in voice, muscle power, etc. 
  4. - Sperms do not make sperm until teens. They start between 11 and 13 years and are formed fastest for almost 17-18 years. 
  5. - Sperm from the testicles gets collect in the upper part of it and start mature. Here they are active for about a month. The entire process of sperm production takes 72 days. 
  6. - Sperm started growing in the teenage years and sperm survived the lifetime. Yes, in the middle age, the speed of the formation of it becomes slow. 
  7. - In the formation of sperm, the pituitary gland, FSH hormone, and the tastroestrin hormone released from the Tastei, is present in the brain. The lack of these hormones ceases to form sperm. 
  8. - The sperm present in the semen is of 2 types, 3 3 or 3 4. If the female egg is mixed with 3 3, then the girl and if it is 3 4, then the boy is born. 
  9. - The child's sex defines in the womb of the mother by the sperm of the man. 
  10. - Most of the juice in semen occurs from the water released from the seminal vascular gland. In this, fructose is the nutrient of sperm. Apart from this, citric acid, prostaglandin, and fibrogenesis are also found in the juice. 
  11. - The juice of the prostate gland is milky color. In this, citrate, calcium, phosphate, semen contain clotting enzymes and dissolving elements. Apart from these, the leakage of the urethral glands located in urine is also found in semen. 
  12. - At the time of ejaculation, the sperm emitted from the sperm together with the secretion of seminal vassals and prostate together with the Venus tube becomes out of the urine tube. 
You should also know these:
  • 1.  The amount of semen emitted at one time is 2 to 5 milliliters. 
  • 2.  Semen is milky color for lubrication and it has a special smell 
  • 3.  The smoothness of the semen is due to secretion of seminal basic and PA prostate. If PA is acidic, semen is yellow or red, then it is a sign of disease. 
  • 4.  The sense of semen may also be a sign of disease. 
  • 5.  The semen passed after 2-3 days is thicker, because it has more sperm count. 
  • 6.  The semen gets accumulated after leaving. But the chemicals present in this fibrinolysis enzyme dilute it again in 15-20 minutes. If semen is not diluted again, then it is a sign of disease. 
  • 7.  After 4-5 days, the number of sperms in a cube milliliter semen is 8 to 12 million. That is, about 400 million sperms are released at one go, but only one sperm is enough to fertilize the egg. 
  • 8.  If the number of sperms in semen is less than 60 million per milliliter, then the man's ability to produce children is less. If it is less than 2 crores, then the man can impotence. 
  • 9.  Normal sperm is of small snake shape. The tip of this is round and there is a cap on the head, which is called acrosome. Together, there is neck, torso, and tail. 
  • 10.  Even if there is a difference in the size of the sperm, then the strength of the child to reduce is decreased. This difference can occur in the head, torso or tail. If the number of abnormal sperms is more than 20 percent, then the person may become nasty. 
  • 11.  Sperm always floats in the semen. Even if sperm is sluggish or more than 40 percent are stagnant, then the man can be nasty. 
  • 12.  If pus, blood or white blood cells are present in semen, then it is also a sign of disease. 
  • 13.  Due to the formation of semen or sperm, malfunction can be due to many diseases. The change in hormones may reduce the number of sperms. 
  • 14.  There may be many types of diseases in the sperm, such as Mems, Leprosy, Syphilis etc. 
  • 15.  Tumors, infections, fungal auras can worsen the sperm. 
  • 16.  Protein, vitamins, especially Vitamin E, are needed in the formation of sperm 
Ayurvedic Treatment of Low Sperm Count
  • 1-  First of all, take the mixture of Winter Cherry (Ashwagandha ), Chlorophytum borivilianum in the morning with milk and eat cashew daily. 
  • 2-  Do not interfere with the wife for a few days while consuming it. Months a month i.e. the day of the woman's menstruation. Start counting only 11 and 13 days only to have sex For example if the menstrual cycle starts on the 2nd day, then 13th and 15th days is safe. (Generally, if you have sex between 13 to 16 days of having the period then there are more chances of having a child or being pregnant. You only have to do this for 6 months 
  • 3-  Try to eat always hot and fresh food, but never use red chili in a dish. 
  • 4-  Take 2 garlic regularly in the morning with empty stomach. 
  • 5-  Instead of daily roasting of pulses, use urad dal with butter. Or mix the butter in milk. 
  • 6-  Take a teaspoon of fenugreek with milk daily before sleeping. If possible, chew a small piece of cinnamon and drink milk from the top. 
  • 7-  In the juice of pomegranate, mix equal quantity of a rice grain and eat it regularly. The sperm starts forming and the woman should also eat so that her eggs will begin to grow. 
  • 8-  Pumpkin seeds have a lot of zinc, and as far as increasing the number of sperms and enhancing testosterone hormone, pumpkin seeds are very beneficial. For reproduction, it is necessary to have more of the number of sperms. Pumpkin seeds have an excess of Omega-3 fatty acids, so that blood circulation in sex organs is correct and sexual capacity increases. If you are trying to become a Papa then it is very important to include foods that are zinc in the daily food. 
  • 9-  Why did our elders motivate to drink milk as they knew that it have a natural force to increase the sperm along with nutrients? 
  • 10-  Ayurveda is advised to take honey as a medicine for impotence and infertility problems. Drinking honey with light lukewarm milk increases the number of sperm count from zero to 60 million sperm 
