The hemorrhoid is a very painful disease, due to which the patient is very nervous. Hemorrhoids are also called piles. It is of two types. External hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids. Let's know what the differences between these two are. In the External hemorrhoids, there is a wart in the anus and the patient didn’t feel pain. But feel high itching around the anus. Because of which anus starts to bleed and the person becomes unnecessarily disturbed. While internal piles, the wart is inside the anus. And due to constipation, blood pressure comes out from the time of accumulation, and the patient suffers from a very severe pain and if the spices are chopped then the patient feel high pain.
In order to eliminate the hemorrhoids from the root, Ayurveda has given accurate and effective measures, but you have to gradually adopt them in your life.
What are causes of Hemorrhoid?
It can be said that when the obstruction of the stool from the body is interrupted and it causes pain, it is called hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of Piles:
Pain in the place of an anus is due to which there is a pain in getting up, sitting and walking. The second major symptom is the itching of the anus at the place of frequent itching.
Constipation begins to develop in the stomach and the patient is afraid to relieve bowel movement due to pain. Due to the continuous flow of blood, the patient's hemoglobin may decrease.
Swelling start in the anus and wart hangs out in the internal piles. And the patient is unable to bowel, because of which he insists, but at the same time, the blood starts bleeding.
How to Cure Piles?
Other More Home remedies of Piles
In order to eliminate the hemorrhoids from the root, Ayurveda has given accurate and effective measures, but you have to gradually adopt them in your life.
What are causes of Hemorrhoid?
- - Stay in a chair for a long time.
- - Excessive intake of chili peppers
- - Regularly sit in a car or motorbike above 4 to 5 hours in a day.
- - The obesity may also cause of hemorrhoids.
- - Excessive Alcohol
- - People who fast can also have piles.
- - During pregnancy, the pregnant women can be hemorrhoids in the last three months
- - Tilting faster while bowel movements.
- - Working late in the night
- - Those who reduce water consumption can also have piles.
- - Tension and mental illness can also cause piles.
It can be said that when the obstruction of the stool from the body is interrupted and it causes pain, it is called hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of Piles:
Pain in the place of an anus is due to which there is a pain in getting up, sitting and walking. The second major symptom is the itching of the anus at the place of frequent itching.
Constipation begins to develop in the stomach and the patient is afraid to relieve bowel movement due to pain. Due to the continuous flow of blood, the patient's hemoglobin may decrease.
Swelling start in the anus and wart hangs out in the internal piles. And the patient is unable to bowel, because of which he insists, but at the same time, the blood starts bleeding.
How to Cure Piles?
- - Use daily curd made with cow milk to mix cumin seeds into this.
- - Piles always end with the use of Yam bean and jaggery.
- - Do not stop stool, urine, gas for a long time because it may cause of hemorrhoids.
Other More Home remedies of Piles
- - The consumption of papaya, grapes, mango, is not hemorrhoids.
- - Eating sesame ladoo help to rid piles disease
- - Coconut water, soup, water, and buttermilk useful to rid piles
- - Mash ripe banana in boiled milk and take 2 to 3 in the day, it helpful to reduce piles
- - Drink spinach, carrot and sugar beet juice regularly for 2 to 3 months.
- - Apply Neem Oil to Hemorrhoids position.
- - Eating fenugreek, carrot, turnips, bitter gourd, ginger, onion etc. gives benefits in hemorrhoid disease.
- - Pouring of salt in jamun (blackberry) take it in the morning for 1 to 2 months can also be cured piles.
- - Add celery (ajavain) in buttermilk and drink it will cure piles
- - Eating radish cures hemorrhoids.
- - Regular use of mixing ginger, mint juice, and lemon with water and honey can be beneficial in piles.
- - Take the ripe banana and cut it into two pieces and grind the catechu (kattha)into it and sprinkle it under the open sky in the evening and eat that banana in the morning. By doing this for a week continuously, dangerous piles will disappear.
- - Drinking goat's milk in the morning and evening stops bleeding from piles
- - Grinding green leaves of lotus and mixing sugar candy in it stops bleeding from piles.
- - By mixing one gram of black sesame seeds and one gram of butter, it cures hemorrhoids.
- - Grind small pippily well and make a powder and drink it with honey cures piles
- - By mixing fresh butter, nagkeshar and sugar candy in equal amounts, it provides relief in piles.
- - Grind green leaves of Marigold, 10 grams of kunja mishri and 9 grams of black pepper in 60 grams of water. And for 4 days, drink this water once a day. And stop eating hot cooked food. These helps to cure bloody hemorrhoids.
- - Avoid tension, be anxious and happy
- - Avoid eating brinjal and potatoes.
- - Avoid fast food such as chat-dumplings, noodles, burgers, pizzas, samosa
- - Avoid meat, pickled and liqueur.
- - Avoid sitting one place continuously. Take a walk a bit and exercise
- - Do not take anything that constipates.
- - Do not fast much. Keep eating juice, buttermilk, and soup in fasting.